History of Combat Boots And Their Role In Fashion

Combat boots have become much of a common place amongst the military organizations around the world. The first soldiers that were issued them were the foot soldiers of the Assyrians, they wore hobnail boots called caligae. Soldiers in the English Civil war were issued 3 sets of these special footwear […]

9 Universal Fashion Hacks for Every Curvy Girl

Fashion is your personal statement, irrespective of whether you follow the runway trends or not. While styling is about looking glamorous, you need to keep a check on your comfort factor, as well. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the fashion world is biased towards petite women. They surely […]

The Basic Skills Used in Volleyball

There are six primary skills in the sport of volleyball. They are as follows: Serving – Every play in volleyball starts with the serve. It is the only skill of the game which is completely in the control of the individual player. The serve may be executed either from a […]