Parasols in Final Fantasy XIV work just like in real life, keeping players dry from the rainy weather. The style of someone’s parasol really says a lot about them. As the developers continue adding more parasols to the game, players will have even more options to express themselves. Among the selection is the Prim Dot Parasol, a pink and white polka dot pattern. Players will have to buy this parasol for themselves, as there is no other way to obtain it. But you’ll need to be careful to not get scammed by certain opportunists.
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Purchase the Prim Dot Parasol from the Pixie Hoarder in Il Mheg for 100,000 gil
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Head to the Lydha Lran camp in Il Mheg. The Pixie Hoarder merchant will be just nearby, right by the aetheryte crystal. They have the Prim Dot Parasol available for purchase for 100,000 gil. If you can’t yet enter Il Mheg, you’ll need to progress to a certain point in the Shadowbringers main scenario quests, past level 70. Once you have the parasol item, use it, and then go to the Fashion Accessories tab in your main menu. Select your Prim Dot Parasol and it’ll show up in your character’s hand, just like an umbrella.
Avoid getting scammed on the market board
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Beware the marked-up prices on the market board. These players are looking to make some quick gil. On our server, there’s at least one person consistently putting several of these up for sale at once, all to make a ridiculous profit. The set price from the NPC vendor will always be 100,000 gil. But players who are unaware of the vendor may find themselves getting scammed, should they purchase the Prim Dot Parasol on the market board instead. So if you want this parasol, be sure to purchase it from the NPC instead.
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