Why the Cornhole Game is Safe and Fun

If you haven’t noticed much in the past few decades of outdoor recreation and fun family time, the stakes seem to get higher and higher with each passing year. And with that increase in the stakes, there is also more inherent danger. Just the other day, a thirteen year old […]

The Basic Skills Used in Volleyball

There are six primary skills in the sport of volleyball. They are as follows: Serving – Every play in volleyball starts with the serve. It is the only skill of the game which is completely in the control of the individual player. The serve may be executed either from a […]

Java Games for Your Cell Phone

Are you one of those people who get tired when standing in queue? Can’t stop multitasking no matter what you do? Maybe you need to download some games for your cell phone. Java games are based on a very skinny programming language, and have surprisingly great functionality even on a […]

Strategies to Master Cornhole Games

If you have just started to get into playing cornhole, whether it’s with your family or friends, and you want to improve your skills, then you need to understand some basic strategies, and physics, in order to be successful. Granted, cornhole has increased in popularity in recent years and that […]

13th Birthday Party Ideas

13th birthday party ideas, why? Because thirteen is a big deal. It is a milestone for kids, they become teenagers. It is the beginning of a new era in their lives. Here are some fun party ideas for a 13th birthday party. How about a Sleepover party? Girls love to […]

How to Play Bible Baseball

Have you been to a baseball game lately? No? Then start a game of your own – Bible Baseball style! Set Up: You will need 4 bases – one home plate, one 1st base, one 2nd base, and one 3rd base. You will also need one card of each of […]